Seed of Energy is a big proyect developed by a group of students from Rafael Belloso Chacin University in Maracaibo, Venezuela, This topic is an investigation about a new energy source based in photonic energy produced for the sun and celular utilization from the plants because the solar energy is the most important source of energy to the earth, including for the plants, animals, and the human. The principal idea is the investigation and development of the how can the plants get the energy from the sun and the process for the utilization through the photosynthesis. The sun is the most important source of energy in this galaxy and the human being has ignored 5000 millions years ago. Right now we are working for the future generations and for the earth. in a few years we hope stay using this new energy form in our houses, cars, works and in many areas where we are using sources of energy no sustainable for us and for the earth.
Nelson Peña Rincon
Student of Mathematics of the
Nacional Abierta University
and Electronic Engineering Student of the
Rafael Belloso Chacín University
Maracaibo, Venezuela.